Health Risk Assessment, Surveillance & Management

 TG230 Environmental HRA and Chemical Military Exposure Guidelines (MEGs)

Last Updated: July 27, 2018
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The ​TG230 provides a standard methodology for characterizing chemical exposure health risks at deployment locations in a manner that is consistent with military risk management doctrine.  Health-based, military exposure guidelines (MEGs) for chemicals are presented for air, water, and soil associated with various deployment exposure scenarios.

NOTE:  TG230 and the set of MEG values are undergoing a revision.  When available, updated materials will be posted here.  Information about the revision process is available from the Risk Assessment Capabilities Branch (

TG230, Environmental Health Risk Assessment and Chemical Exposure Guidelines for Deployed Military Personnel, December 2013

RD230, Methodology for Determining Chemical Exposure Guidelines for Deployed Military Personnel, June 2010

RD230 Addendum, Methodology for Determining Chemical Exposure Guidelines for Deployed Military Personnel, 2013 Addendum

Master MEG Table (when opening this table, click cancel in the pop-up window)

For more information, contact the Environmental Health Risk Assessment Division

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