
​The table below lists typical tasks and the navigation options designed to help you accomplish them. Find your task in the first column and follow across to the navigation option and description of the content it provides.

Your taskUse this navigation optionTo reachProviding
I'm looking for general information about the Army Public Health Center.About Us or OrganizationInformation documents containing general information. Organization provides access to web pages for each organizational unit within the Army Public Health Center.About Us provides an overview of various disciplines within public health. Organization provides information about specific organizational units within the Army Public Health Center.
I’m looking for information about a particular subject.Topics & Services or A to Z Index

The Topics & Services directory with descriptions for: Major disciplines > Subject categories > Topics and Services web pages

The A to Z Index with links to individual Topics pages and Services pages

Topics and Services pages include all available resources about a particular subject including:

  1. Topic articles
  2. Service information
  3. Frequently Asked Questions
  4. Resource Materials
  5. Related Sites
  6. Training
I'm looking for a specific document.Resource MaterialsA list of links to publications and other materials that can be sorted and filtered by several characteristicsFull text documents
I'd like to order Health Information Products.HIP eCatalog under ApplicationsA web application featuring our collection of health information productsCreate an account to download or order physical copies of health information products
What training is available?TrainingA list of links to available coursesFull course information for APHC courses, links to recommended training provided by other organizations, and request forms for on-site training provided by APHC
I'm looking for information on current health issuesFeatured Topics on the Home Page or Health Education Articles under NewsA collection of links to content of particular interestQuick access to topics, services, and resource materials
What's new on the site?NewsA list of news releases, health education articles, and recently updated web pages grouped by disciplineDirect access to recently posted or revised content
What periodicals and reports are available?Periodic Publications and Surveillance Reports under NewsA list of available products and surveillance reportsOptions to view and subscribe to periodic publications and surveillance reports
I'm looking for information about a particular office.OrganizationThe U.S. Army Public Health Center organizational hierarchyGeneral information about our various offices and links to related subject matter
I need to contact a particular office.Contact UsContact information for offices in the organizationOffice titles, phone numbers, e-mail and mailing addresses
I need to place a service request.Request Services under ApplicationsA web application to request servicesA form which will be routed to the appropriate office
I'd like an overview of what this site has to offer.Site MapAn outline of the first few levels of the site's hierarchyQuick access to major directory pages throughout the site
I still can't find what I'm looking for.SearchSite-wide search capabilityOptions for standard and advanced search with customized categories​​