Biological Emergency Information on biological agents and bioterrorism including animals and food issues.
Chemical Emergency Information on chemical agents and response pertinent to the health and safety of military personnel, DoD workers, civilians, animals and food in various potential exposure settings, including accidents and terrorist or military attacks.
Hurricanes and Typhoons Hurricanes are severe tropical storms that form in the Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico and Eastern Pacific Ocean.
Nuclear Emergency Radiological hazards arising from a nuclear emergency are addressed by health physics professionals who are members of the Specialized MEDCOM Response Capabilities - Public Health team. Animals and food will also be affected during a nuclear emergency.
Radiological Emergency Information on radiation, ionizing radiation, and nuclear threats, effects and emergencies. Animals and food will also be affected during a radiation emergency.
Volcanic Eruptions Each volcano and situation is unique. Learn more about volcanic eruptions and pay attention to warnings from local authorities for the best advice available on specific actions you can take to stay safe.
Wildfires Military personnel may be called upon to provide unique and diverse capabilities as part of a coordinated federal or state response effort to fight wildfires.