Health Risk Assessment, Surveillance & Management

 TG316 Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment for Aerosolized Microorganisms

Last Updated: July 27, 2018
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The ​TG316 provides a general methodology framework for assessing aerosolized microbial hazards and characterize risk as a result of environmental, occupational, or intentional exposures. The document outlines the considerations and steps necessary to complete a microbial risk assessment.  It is designed to be used as a preplanning or post-event tool.

Several stand-alone TG 316 Supplements provide specific information and risk assessment tools, to include biological military exposure guidelines (BMEGs).

NOTE:  The TG316 is planned to be retired and replaced with new technical guidance based on BMEGs.  When available, updates will be provided here. Information about the revision process is available from the Risk Assessment Capabilities Branch (

TG316, Microbial Risk Assessment for Aerosolized Microorganisms, August 2009.

More that twenty TG316 Supplements are also available.

​TG316 and the TG316 Supplements can be accessed via the Army Knowledge Online (AKO) TG316 site External Link

For more information, contact the Environmental Health Risk Assessment Division

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