
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This page contains a list of recommended training courses.

​For questions regarding a specific DHA Public Health course, please click on the "Email Question to Course Director" link listed in the course details. 

Courses sponsored by other organizations are included in this list as a convenience to our clients. Please refer questions about these courses to the sponsoring organization.

Request for training from external stakeholders require an official tasker or formal requests processed through command operations cells to MEDCOM G-3/5/7. For MEDCOM stakeholders, an official MEDCOM/OTSG tasking request is required to be created and submitted by requesting MEDCOM organization through MEDCOM Operational channels. 

Requests for training from non-MEDCOM organizations will draft formal requests through respective operational channels to MEDCOCM. Once OPS receives official taskers, a tasking will be created for directorate execution. Directorates must ensure requesting customers have engaged with regional public health assets to seek assistance in public health mission. An official memorandum of agreement may also be required for support.

Important note: It is a violation of the Anti-Deficiency Act for the federal government to provide training to non-federal employees. Therefore, these courses are closed to non-government organizations and individuals without exception. All training required by non-government entities can be obtained in the civilian sector. Unless, the contract under which the subject contract employees are employed states that the Government is to provide this training to the contract personnel and/or; that the training provided is of such a unique nature that the Government is the only one that can provide this training for the particular circumstances (it is not adequately available in the private sector) and/or; it is in the Government's documented legal/fiscal/safety/security interest to provide the training to all personnel performing the subject specific duties on behalf of the Government even though similar training is available in the private sector.

Complete the "Mission Service Request" form to submit specific installation Training Requests. Note: This is not course enrollment. This is to request on-site/virtual training.
Manage your active Training Applications, Registrations, and Wait Lists
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Courses Subject
Course ID: 019
Sponsor: Army Medical Department; DHA Public Health
Basics of asbestos and clinical presentation of asbestos related diseases to Army employees and contractors.
Occupational Medicine
Course ID: 012
Sponsor: DHA Public Health
Waste Management
Course ID: 022
Sponsor: DHA Public Health
Hearing Readiness and Conservation
Course ID: 020
Sponsor: DHA Public Health
Quotas are limited to qualified Installation level IH users. Enrollment is through Blackboard (CLICK HERE FOR INSTRUCTIONS)
Industrial Hygiene
Course ID: 008
Sponsor: DHA Public Health
Course ID: 003
Sponsor: U.S. Air Force School of Aerospace Medicine; DHA Public Health
Disease Epidemiology
Course ID: 005
Sponsor: DHA Public Health

In-Person course is a 2-day course.

Distributed learning options (online) is a 40-hour course.

Course ID: 023
Sponsor: Other
Industrial Hygiene and OHS course enrollments are through the Allied Integration of Public Health - Defense Occupational Environmental Health and Safety Blackboard site (CLICK HERE FOR ENROLLMENT INSTRUCTIONS)
Industrial Hygiene
Course ID: 013
Sponsor: DHA Public Health
Waste Management
Course ID: 006
Sponsor: DHA Public Health
Course ID: 014
Sponsor: DHA Public Health
The webinar focuses on identification and management of waste HD pharmaceuticals, including chemotherapy trace and bulk waste, and will highlight the difference between HDs and hazardous wastes.
Waste Management
Course ID: 009
Sponsor: TRADOC Medical Center of Excellence (MEDCoE)
Laser and Optical Radiation; Nonionizing radiation; Radio Frequency Radiation and Ultrasound
Course ID: 010
Sponsor: DHA Public Health
Laser and Optical Radiation; Nonionizing radiation; Radio Frequency Radiation and Ultrasound
Course ID: 015
Sponsor: DHA Public Health
Medical Waste; Pharmaceutical Waste; Waste Management
Course ID: 004
Sponsor: DHA Public Health; Uniformed Services University (USU)
Injury Prevention
Course ID: 007
Sponsor: DHA Public Health
Course ID: 021
Sponsor: DHA Public Health
Pharmaceutical Waste
Course ID: 016
Sponsor: DHA Public Health
Waste Management
Course ID: 017
Sponsor: DHA Public Health
Disposal of Controlled Substances; Medical Waste; Waste Management
Course ID: 011
Sponsor: TRADOC Medical Center of Excellence (MEDCoE)
Vision Conservation and Readiness

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