Defense Occupational and Environment Health Readiness System – Industrial Hygiene (DOEHRS-IH) DOEHRS-IH is the official system of record for the assessment and management of workplace risks/hazards.
Health Hazard Assessment (HHA) HHA involves identifying, assessing, and making recommendations to eliminate or control health hazards inherent in weapon platforms, munitions, equipment, clothing, training devices, and other materiel systems.
Health Physics Information on the potential hazards associated with the operation of or exposure to sources of ionizing radiation such as x-rays, radiological pharmaceuticals, depleted uranium, and radioactive commodities.
Hearing Conservation and Readiness Information on hearing, hearing loss prevention, hearing protection, DOEHRS-HC, and reducing noise hazards.
Industrial Hygiene Industrial Hygiene focuses on prevention of workplace exposure related injury, disease, and death. IH supports the DOD through the anticipation, recognition, evaluation, and control of exposure to chemical, physical, and biological stressors.
Laser and Optical Radiation Information on potential hazards associated with the operation of high intensity optical sources such as laser target designators, infrared countermeasures, industrial optical sources, nonlethal weapons and other high technology optical sources.
Occupational and Environmental Medicine Medical information regarding military occupational and environmental exposures.
Radio Frequency Radiation and Ultrasound Information related to the potential hazards associated with exposure to radio frequency radiation and ultrasound.
Military Vision Readiness Information about military vision requirements, approved protective eyewear, available technical training and more.