The Active Duty Injury Surveillance Summary provides an annual update of injury-related medical encounters for non-deployed U.S. Soldiers, including rates over time for Active Duty and trainees, types and causes of hospitalizations and outpatient visits, and frequencies of injuries by body location and diagnosis.
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The Active Duty Eye Injury Report Summary contains detailed eye injury data, along with a set of summary tables detailing Ambulatory and Hospitalization rates (per 1000 person-years) for Injury Group, Cause of Injury and Occupational Group.
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The DCPH-A Acute Respiratory Disease Surveillance Report is published weekly and contains data on acute respiratory disease and strep rates found at the Army basic training sites.
The Army Industrial Hygiene News and Regulatory Summary is published by the Industrial Hygiene and Medical Safety Management (IHMSM) for DCPH-A as a service to the Army Industrial Hygiene Program, Federal agencies and industrial hygienists throughout the Federal and private sector. Published more or less monthly.
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The Army Quarterly Pediatric Lead Report provides a surveillance summary of all available blood lead level test results within the Army-Dependent population and monitors the occurrence of elevated blood lead levels in the same population.
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Vector-borne disease reports are published by DCPH-A during the summer
months. By describing cases of key vector-borne diseases among DoD
beneficiaries, as well as vector surveillance results across military
installations, the report provides a summary of disease threat and occurrence.
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The Behavioral Health Monitoring report describes the burden of diagnosed behavioral health disorders, the utilization of behavioral health care services, and the impact of behavioral health disorders on medical readiness among Active Duty Soldiers in the U.S. Army.
Army Family Members play a key role in the readiness and retention of our fighting force. The Health of the Army Family initiative aims to better understand the health needs and concerns of Army Families and take action to keep the Army strong.
Health of the Force Report is published annually by the US Army Public Health Center. It reports installation-level population health metrics for Active Component Soldiers based on national leading health indicators and military-relevant measures of health readiness.
A Healthy Workforce is a quarterly publication by the Occupational Medicine Program 65 geared toward occupational medicine providers and professionals. The information helps in our mission to identify, assess, and prevent injuries and illnesses that are constant threats to our civilian and soldier populations.
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The Armed Forces Health Surveillance Center (AFHSC) publishes the Medical Surveillance Monthly Report (MSMR) which provides evidence-based estimates of the incidence, distribution, impact, and trends of illness and injuries among United States military members and associated populations. Most reports in the MSMR are based on summaries of medical administrative data that are routinely provided to the AFHSC and integrated into the Defense Medical Surveillance System for health surveillance purposes.
The DCPH-A Mortality Surveillance Report examines the characteristics of and trends over time in the manners and causes of death for U.S. Army Active Duty Soldiers.
The DCPH-A Surveillance of Substance Abuse and Dependence Report describes the epidemiology of substance abuse and dependence in U.S Active Component (AC) Army Soldiers using data from medical encounters, opioid prescriptions and periodic health assessments.
The DCPH-A Surveillance of Suicidal Behavior Publication reports on suicidal behavior among U.S. Army Active Component and Reserve Component Soldiers and examines established risk factors to include demographic, military, and event characteristics, personal history, legal/administrative history, and behavioral health history.
The Surgeon General Weekly Read Book
The Surgeon General Weekly Read Book is available with articles classified up to the
SECRET level from the SIPRNet site: . To access this version, you will need a
SECRET security clearance and a SIPRNet account. Published weekly. When subscribing, please include your SIPRNet email address.
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The U.S. Army Influenza Activity Report describes influenza cases and influenza-like ilness among Army beneficiaries and patients seeking care at Army military treatment facilities. Published weekly during flu season.
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The Weather-Related Injury Surveillance Reports highlight the morbidity that Service Members experience due to heat-related and cold weather injuries, and emphasize the importance of timely reporting of these injuries.