Industrial Hygiene

 Lead Information for Healthcare Providers

Last Updated: June 30, 2020
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The Army follows lead screening guidelines recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) at well-child examinations. Visit the AAP siteExternal Link to learn more.  

 If practicing in a state that does NOT follow the AAP guidelines, then providers must abide by their state's requirements.

**Looking for lead information for military familes? Click here.**

Compliance with State and Federal Laws

Army regulations dictate that providers must comply with the laws of the state that they are working in.

DA PAM 40-11External Link Chapter 7-14a(2)(a-d)

 Clinical services supporting childhood lead poisoning prevention include:

  1. parental questionnaires at well-child examinations beginning at 6 months of age through 6 years to check for potential lead exposure as recommended by the AAP
  2. targeted child blood lead screening as determined by the installation medical commander
  3. clinically indicated screening of children at high risk for lead exposure
  4. elevated blood lead case management

To learn more about state lead programs, visit the CDC's State Programs pageExternal Link

AR 40-5External Link Chapter 2-18d(2)

Military Treatment Facility Commanders must also comply with all Federal, state and local medical reporting requirements including applicable Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requirements for work-related injuries and illnesses.

Steps for Providers to Follow

Steps for Providers to Follow

1.  Screen children using questions developed by local or state public health department.*

Find your state's screening and reporting requirements here: Link

2.  Screen children with the frequency recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics Bright Futures Recommendations for Preventive Pediatric Health Care or per state/local requirements, whichever is more frequent and/or comprehensive.

3.  Test children as directed by risk assessment and state/local requirements.

4.  Report blood lead test results IAW state or local guidelines.

5.  These guidelines are for asymptomatic children.  Testing may be done at any time as determined by clinical judgment and/or upon parent/guardian request.

* If no local or state-specific questionnaires exist, your installation preventive medicine department can assist you in developing an appropriate risk assessment tool.

† Defer to state/local requirements if testing is not indicated by risk assessment but is required by state/local requirement.

Additional Resources