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The measures taken to protect our community from exposure to COVID-19 have forced us to move from office based workers to home based workers. Within home offices you may find yourselves in less than ideal computer work settings. We at the Ergonomics and Industrial Hygiene Division want you to know that we have your backs, wrists, and necks. The resources provided in this fact sheet will help you to maintain good musculoskeletal health while working for many hours at your computer in your home based work settings.
This Week in Ergonomics:
Our free one page Fact Sheets regarding a number of ergonomic issues have just been either upgraded or new ones created!
This directory, operated and maintained by the Ergonomics and Industrial Hygiene Management Division at the DHA Public Health Center-Aberdeen , is a searchable database of the vibration exposures to humans from tools and vehicles. You can also add collected vibration data to the database. https://usaphcapps.amedd.army.mil/HVED/
The National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) National Occupational Research Agenda (NORA) Musculoskeletal Health Cross-Sector Council focuses on preventing musculoskeletal disorders, which are soft-tissue injuries caused by sudden or sustained exposure to repetitive motion, force, vibration, or non-neutral postures. The NORA Musculoskeletal Health Cross-Sector Council recently identified over 100 guidance documents that provide resources and interventions to reduce WMSD risk factors, improve manufacturing performance, and enhance product quality. Go to https://iea.cc/member/musculoskeletal-disorders/
for more information.
No one knows how to work in the cold better than folks from Canada. This article from the Canadian newsletter PROergonomics tells about how to avoid musculoskeletal injury this winter while working in cold environments.
Check out the our paper on industrial exoskeleton human factors.