Injury Prevention for Active Duty Personnel

 Installation Injury Monitoring Tools

Last Updated: January 27, 2025

​​​​Links for injury surveillance definitions, and several reports including the U.S. Army Medical Command Injury Dashboards and Health of the Force - Online. ​

Injury Surveillance Definitions

See slide set that explains of the general causes and potentially associated activities, hazards, and interventions of most commonly identified injury types at installations. There are many tools that provide statistics regarding your local installation injury problem. See Installation-Specific Active Duty Soldier Injury Summaries and Civilia​n Injury Summaries factsheets. 

Periodic Publications and Surveillance Reports

DCPH-A publishes several periodicals and surveillance reports on a regular schedule. See current publications, available past issues, and subscribe/unsubscribe options

U.S. Army Medical Command Injury Dashboards

Army public health dashboards are maintained by the U.S. Army MEDCOM Readiness Analytics Directorate (RAD) and Office of the U.S. Army Deputy Chief of Staff for Force Health Protection (DCS-FHP). Injury rates can be viewed for All-Army, Medical Readiness Commands, and Installations. Statistical process control charts indicate unique thresholds for high injury rates (red), consistent rates (amber), and low rates (green), calculated based on 2-3 standard deviations from the subpopulation’s historical average injury rate. Injury Rates: Landing Page - Tableau Server ( Link (Restricted access, CAC required)

Health of the Force - Online 

Health of the Force Online

Health of the Force - Online is an additional tool for monitoring leading health indicators by installation. This application provides a 360-degree view of health and readiness indicators for active duty Soldiers derived from current medical data. It includes annual installation injury summaries assessing injury trends over time, variations in rates by age and gender, and leading causes of injury. Link (Restricted access, CAC required)

​U.S. Armed Forces Heat Illness Dashboard

The U.S. Armed Forces Heat Illness Dashboard provides users access to processed, aggregated, and easily digestible information that can be used to assess population health trends, problem solve, and make evidence-based decisions. The dashboard is generated using data from the Defense Health Agency’s Weather-Related Injury Repository, which is used to track cases of heat exhaustion and heat stroke, and updated monthly. To view the dashboard, visit Link (Restricted access, CAC required) ​