Course Details


Course ID
Course Title
DRSi Initial User Course
DHA Public Health
Target Audience
Typically Army employees that request access to the Army DRSi include: Army Public Health Nurses, Preventive Medicine Providers, Public Health Officers, Epidemiology Technicians, and other public health professionals. Users must complete the training prior to receiving access to the System.

Users must complete the training prior to receiving access to the System.

Description: The DRSi Initial User Course is designed to help new and existing Army DRSi (ADRSi) users learn what the DRSi system is used for and how to use it. The course covers reportable medical events, understanding case definitions, and how to use the DRSi to report cases, outbreaks, and STI risk surveys. The implementation of this online course will help new DRSi users receive standardized training on this system, improve data reporting quality and timeliness, and promote better awareness of the different functions within DRSi.

Users must complete the training prior to receiving access to the System. Students may register for the course, though ATRRS. Registration confirmation takes a minimum of 24 hours before receiving the Blackboard course link via email. Completing the course takes about one hour. ATRRS link-  Use the word "DRSi", in the search 'Course title' box.  Students will take a pre-test to determine their prior knowledge; if students receive a score of 100% in the pre-test, they will automatically pass the course and receive ADRSi certificate of completion (within 24 hours via email). If the student does not receive a score of 100% on the pre-test, they will complete the course by watching the instructional video, and take the post-test. Students must score 80% or above to pass the post-test. Once passed, the student will receive the certificate by email within 24 hours.

**Please note- The course registration from ATRRS, may take up to 48 hours.**

To receive access to the DRSi system, students are required to send one email with both their completed DD2875 SAAR form and a copy of their DRSi certificate of completion together, to the Army DRSi help desk email ( ).The help desk will register the student in DRSi and send back the student’s username and password to register their CAC in DRSi. If any students encounters Blackboard or computer issues, or extended delays (more than 48 hours) in getting access to the course or receiving their DRSi certificate, they should contact the Blackboard help desk. MEDCoE Help Desk-1/888 263-3356    M-F 0630-1630 CST    Email:  


**Please note:**

1. The course registration confirmation email will be sent 24 hours after it is received.

2. It will take a minimum of 24 hours to receive your DRSi course completion certificate via email.

Course Schedule
There are no sessions scheduled at this time. Please check back later.

If no classes are available or fit your schedule... You can help us by letting us know you are interested in this course. Use the link below to provide us with the necessary information.

Email Question to Course Director