Course Details


Course ID
Course Title
Laser & Radio Frequency Hazards Course
TRADOC Medical Center of Excellence (MEDCoE)
Target Audience
Radiation Safety Officers, Nonionizing Radiation Officers, Radiofrequency Safety Officers and Laser Safety Officers

The course is designed for Active and Reserve Component officers/enlisted, other uniformed services (officer/enlisted), Department of the Defense civilians.  Foreign nationals and other governmental agency personnel are also eligible to attend.

The subject matter presented includes: interaction of optical radiation with matter; sources and biological effects of optical radiation; optical radiation measurements and calculations; hazards from non-laser high intensity light sources; laser hazard classification; medical laser safety; development of laser protection standards; eye protective filters; ultraviolet radiation hazards and permissible exposure levels; laser range controls; laser laboratory controls; radio frequency radiation (RFR) (including microwave frequency bands) sources and systems; RFR generation and propagation along transmission lines and in free space; antennas and radiation patterns; RFR power density calculations; biological effects of RF radiation; current electromagnetic field issues, including standards; exposure limits and control procedures for RFR sources; RFR exposure evaluation and site survey, including responsibility for the RF Protection Program; Radiation Protection Officer responsibilities; RFR instrumentation; RFR Workshop - Developing the RFR Protection Program: Control Procedures and Authority. Particular emphasis is placed on recognizing nonionizing hazards that are most commonly encountered within the Department of the Army and DHA.

Please be advised that all presentations, labs, and case study exercises must be fully attended and a minimum passing score of 75% must be achieved on the exam to receive a certificate of completion.

This course is designed to provide a background for recognizing health risks from nonionizing radiation (laser and radio frequency radiation) sources and for establishing effective control measures for these hazards. Particular emphasis is placed upon the hazards that are most commonly encountered within the Department of the Army and DHA.


There is no registration fee. It is the responsibility of your installation/unit to provide travel funds for you. If you have any course content or technical questions, please call (410) 436-3932.

Some centralized funding may be available to careerists in the Army Safety and Occupational Health Career Program (CP-12). Contact the Functional CP-12 Rep for more info. (

To receive ATRRS credit you must enroll in the annual session in the month of May. You may enroll in any other sessions, but ATRRS credit will not be provided. ATRRS course number: 6H-F17/322-F17. 

A welcome letter will be sent after enrollment and further instructions for ATRRS (if required) will be provided. 

Course Schedule
Instructional Method Location Start Date End Date Class Size Application Deadline Status Actions
Classroom Building E2850
8300 Rickets Rd
Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD
42 5/9/2025 Active enroll in session

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