
 Ecological Risk and Wildlife Toxicity

Last Updated: April 21, 2022
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​An integral component of a wildlife ecological risk assessment (ERA) is the development of some quantitative measure of the toxicity of a chemical to the animals of concern. This measure is often referred to as a toxicity reference value, or TRV. APHC has devised a standard method for developing toxicological profiles and toxicity reference values for military-related substances that may pose risks to wildlife. USAPHC Technical Guide 254 provides the standard practice for the development and documentation of wildlife TRVs. It is written primarily for risk assessors.  

About ERAs, WTAs, TRVs, and TG 254

The APHC has implemented the Standard Practice in TG 254 for environmental chemicals of military concern. The Standard Practice is primarily intended for use by APHC to generate wildlife TRVs that are defensible and to provide a standard set of information for practitioners in the field. If a TRV relevant to a particular Army ERA has been generated by APHC using this methodology, then its use is expected unless an alternative can be reasonably defended.

The program has been implemented using a phased approach, focusing on the highest-priority chemicals first. Other U.S. Army and military entities are encouraged to use this Standard Practice and our Wildlife Toxicity Assessment (WTA) reports within their ERA programs.

Wildlife Toxicity Assessments Page