
 Toxicity Clearances

Last Updated: April 21, 2022
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A toxicity clearance of a material helps ensure the safety of Army personnel.

A Toxicity Clearance is a toxicological evaluation of materials prior to their introduction into the Army supply system in order to ensure the safety of Army personnel. An evaluation is performed and the toxicity clearance approved or disapproved based on the specific application or use condition of the product. Examples of materials include fire suppressants, solvents, refrigerants, fabric finishes, materials within vehicle crew compartments, and protective clothing.

The Program Manager is responsible for identifying technically feasible materials and requesting a Toxicity Clearance for use of that material within their program.

Toxicity Clearance requests must include the following information:

  • final chemical formulation (handled as proprietary information if required)
  • identity and application of new material; identity of material being replaced, if applicable
  • reports from manufacturers pertaining to commercial use of the product in the marketplace; material safety data sheets (SDSs
  • available human and animal toxicity information
  • test data and results on pyrolysis and combustion products, if applicable 

The pamphlet and regulations pertaining to Toxicity Clearances can be found at the Army Publishing Directorate website:  APD External Link

 AR 70-1 Army Acquisition Policy External Link

AR 40-5 Army Public Health Program External Link

AR 40–10 Health Hazard Assessment Program in Support of the Army Acquisition Process External Link

PAM 70-3 Army Acquisition Procedures External Link

Toxicity Clearance Request Format

(The request must be on agency letterhead, signed by a Program Manager or above.)

MEMORANDUM FOR Director, Army Public Health Center, ATTN:  (MCHB-PH-TEV), 8252 Blackhawk Road, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21010-5403

SUBJECT: Request for Toxicity Clearance For

1. Request a toxicity evaluation and a Toxicity Clearance for ______________________. This material will be used __________________________________________________.

2. Enclosed is the technical information on the product provided by the manufacturer. The manufacturer is _________.  The manufacturer address is __________, and the manufacturer POC is name, at phone, email.  The POC in this office is name, at commercial phone, DSN phone, email:





For more information or to request a toxicity clearance, please contact us.