
 Military Nutrition Initiatives

Last Updated: August 02, 2018
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The Military Nutrition Environment Assessment Tool  (m-NEAT) is designed to assess a military community's environment and its policies related to promoting and supporting healthy eating.  

m-NEAT helps DoD communities measure accessibility to healthy food options. m-NEAT appraisals assess environmental factors and policies at the community level that support healthy eating. The tool was developed to help health promotion professionals, commanding officers, and others in the DoD community measure accessibility to healthy food options 

Go to the mNEAT web page External Link on the Navy and Marine Corps Public Health Center website to download the m-NEAT Community Assessment Tool and the m-NEAT Facilitator Guide, for the step-by-step instructions on how to complete and submit the m-NEAT.

 GO for GREEN External Link (HPRC)

GO FOR GREEN® (g4g) is a DoD program that identifies the nutritional value of the foods and beverages offered in the dining facility using menu cards labeled as

  green (eat often – high performance food choices)

  amber (eat occasionally – medium performance food choices)

  red (eat rarely – low performance food choices). 

Go For Green® promotes healthful food and beverage choices in order to optimize the performance, readiness, and health of our service members. 

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