Armed Forces Wellness Center Operations

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The Armed Forces Wellness Centers are an actionable platform delivering evidence based programs that improve individual and unit performance and readiness, utilizing advanced testing technology to provide immediate feedback to improve Soldier readiness delivered by highly trained health & human performance professionals.

The AFWC Division oversees and manages the development and implementation of AFWCs across CONUS and OCONUS.  AFWCs provide programs and services that improve and sustain health, performance, and readiness of the Total Army delivered by highly trained professionals.

The AFWCs are an actionable platform delivering evidence based programs that improve individual and unit performance and readiness, utilizing advanced testing technology to provide immediate feedback to improve Soldier performance. Along with improving fitness, AFWC programs can directly impact readiness by reducing lost or limited duty time and the number of Soldiers on physical profile.  The primary goal of the AFWC program is to reduce the risk of musculoskeletal injury, improve overall performance, and enhance the self-efficacy of individuals to maintain lifelong healthy behaviors.  AFWCs are integrated with the Patient Centered Medical Home as part of the Comprehensive Care Plan.

Learn more about AFWC services.


Locate the AFWC Nearest YOU!

Look below for the closest AFWC available to you!  To learn more about services offered and make appointments, contact them by phone.  Check out the Facebook pages for those that have them!


Regional Health Command- Europe Regional Health Command-Atlantic Regional Health Command-Central Regional Health Command-Pacific
Bavaria​  Fort Rucker ​ Fort Huachuca Fort Wainwright
CIV: 011- 49- 9662- 83- 4795
(334) 255- 3923
(520) 533- 5311 (907) 361- 2234

Landstuhl External Link Georgia
CIV: 011- 49- 6371- 9464- 5881
Fort Benning​ 
Fort Irwin​  Schofield Barracks​ 

(706) 544- 9142
760) 380- 7373
(808) 655- 1866
Stuttgart External Link Fort Gordon External Link

CIV: 011- 49- 6371- 9464- 1601
(706) 787- 6756 Colorado

Fort Stewart​  Fort Carson External Link
Camp Zama External Link
Wiesbaden​  (912) 767- 4077(719) 526- 3887
CIV: 046- 407- 4073
CIV: 011- 49- 6371- 9464- 1478


Fort Campbell 
Fort Leavenworth External Link
 South Korea
(270) 461- 3451
(913) 758- 3403
 Camp Humphreys External Link
Vicenza External Link
Fort Knox 
Fort Riley External Link CIV: 05033375758
CIV: 0444- 61- 9260
(502) 626- 0408
(785) 239- 9355

 ​USAG Daegu Satellite 
 CIV: 0503337- 4218
  Aberdeen Proving Ground External Link Fort Polk​ 

 (410) 306- 1024
(337) 531- 3055
  Ft Meade / Ft Meyer SatelliteExternal Link
 (301) 677- 2006 Missouri
 Joint Base Lewis McChord
Fort Leonard Wood External Link
 (253) 966- 3757
  North Carolina
  Fort Bragg​ ​
 (910) 643- 2101
 Fort Sill​ 
  New York
 (580442- 0680
  Fort Drum External Link

(315) 772- 4608

​Fort Bliss External Link

South Carolina
(915742- 9566

Fort Jackson External Link
Fort Hood​​ 

(803) 751- 6749
(254553- 6196

Joint Base San Antonio External Link

(210539- 1254

Fort Belvoir External Link

(703) 806- 1323

Fort LeeExternal Link

(804) 734- 9925
Joint Base Langley-EustisExternal Link
(757) 314- 7724


Standard Suite of AFWC Services

The AFWC approach to service is holistic. AFWC staff members take into account all of an individual's physical, psychological and social circumstances when providing services. A holistic approach is important because a person's health cannot be fully addressed unless we consider the whole person. Services include:

- healthy nutrition education

- metabolic testing

- health assessment review

- metabolic testing

- exercise testing

- stress management education

- weight management

- biometric screening

- general wellness education

- and much more

 Standard Staffing of AFWCs

The Director/Supervisory Health Educator is responsible for providing technical oversight for the AFWC, serving as the main Point of Contact regarding the daily operation, implementation and standardization, providing training, and ensuring compliance with the six core programs.

The Health Educator reports to the AFWC Director/Supervisory Health Educator, and works as a team member in a dynamic group to deliver primary preventive services to a diverse population, through provision of the six core programs.

The Health Promotion Technician reports to the AFWC Director/Supervisory Health Educator, and works as a team member in a dynamic group to deliver primary preventive services to a diverse population, through support to the operation with tasks such as coordination of community events, scheduling appointments, supply management, and equipment maintenance.