Soldier Medical Readiness Campaign

Last Updated: July 24, 2018
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​Note (08/2015): Army Public Health Center efforts have transitioned to the Army Medicine 2020 campaign. This page serves as an archive of past SMRC activities.

The Army Public Health Center collaborates with the Office of the Surgeon General's (OTSG) Rehabilitation and Reintegration Division (R2D) External Linkand the U.S. Army Research Institute for Environmental Medicine (USARIEM) External Linkto address the two major factors that impact Soldier medical readiness: injuries and physical fitness/performance.

The Soldier Medical Readiness Campaign Plan (SMR-CP) is a five year campaign established in January 2011 by the U.S. Army Surgeon General to increase the medical readiness of the Army.  APHC, R2D, and USARIEM support the synchronizing, and integrating evidence-based health promotion, human performance optimization, and injury-prevention-related efforts across the Army. These efforts are designed to improve Soldier health and fitness and to reduce injury rates.

Major SMR-CP Initiatives
  • Health Promotion & Wellness Initiatives
  • Injury Prevention Program Monitoring
  • Injury Prevention Program Evaluations
  • Medical Management & Injury Rehabilitation Programs
  • Injury & HPO Research Efforts
SMR-CP-Related Courses and Communication Materials
  • News Articles
  • Related Sites

The health promotion and wellness initiatives within the SMR-CP are focused on coordinating and supporting services that promote physical activity, healthy weight, and tobacco-free living. These three areas are in alignment with the National Prevention and Health Promotion Strategy as factors that impact injury risk and human performance. They also support the Army Surgeon General's Performance Triad. Soldiers who engage in regular physical activity, maintain a healthy weight and live tobacco free lives build personal health, reduce their risk of injury, and improve their unit's physical readiness.

Installation-based health promotion and wellness programs for Soldiers and Family members include:


Army Wellness Centers


Serve as community resources providing Soldiers and family members with fitness and healthy lifestyle programs to improve their health and wellbeing.
Health Promotion Offices


Centrally managed Health Promotion Officers at FORSCOM installations work with senior commanders to integrate medical, mission, and garrison assets through the Community Health Promotion Councils (CHPCs).

CHPCs provide oversight, monitoring, coordination and evaluating all health promotion, risk reduction, and suicide prevention initiatives on the installation.

Additional resources and programs on nutrition, tobacco-free living, and physical fitness and training are available.

Injury Prevention Program Monitoring develops the capability for surveillance among the Medically Not Ready (MNR) Soldier population, using  injuries as model. Data collected through the Armed Forces Health Surveillance Center (AFHSC), the Medical Protection System (MEDPROS), eProfile, disability, and other sources will be used to identify, track and report specific health outcomes that are barriers to Soldier Medical Readiness (SMR). The knowledge acquired will enable the establishment of clinical and prevention efforts focused on leading barriers to SMR.

Activities that support this strategic objective:

  • Company-level injury monitoring in Initial Entry Training: Represents the first unit-level injury surveillance program and supports evaluation of IET injury prevention programs such as the Soldier Athlete Initiative. Summaries of unit-level BCT and OSUT injury rates (i.e. company rates, battalion rates, and post rates) are produced by gender for each training type (i.e., AIT, BCT, OSUT INF, OSUT CAV, OSUT AR, OSUT, MP, and OSUT ENG).
  • Administrative medical readiness data linked to medical records on injury and other conditions: Medically Not Ready data and electronic medical records are linked to identify leading specific health outcomes that are barriers to SMR, information that informs clinical and prevention planning.
  • Surveillance reports for key medical outcomes (deaths, disabilities, and medical encounters): Existing medical and administrative data provide information that can be used to guide decisions regarding next steps for addressing leading causes of injury and barriers to medical readiness.

Among the Army active duty population, injury is a leading cause of medical encounters with over 1.3 million medical encounters due to acute injuries and chronic musculoskeletal conditions annually (Defense Medical Surveillance System, 2012). Identification and evaluation of injury prevention (IP) and human performance optimization (HPO) programs are vital to reducing injury rates and improving physical fitness.

The Army is currently evaluating promising injury prevention and human performance optimization initiatives in training and operational environments.

  • Initial Entry Training Soldier Athlete Initiative: provides company-level injury surveillance to assist Army leadership with identification of units with effective injury prevention program (i.e. those with consistently lower injury rates).
  • Evaluation of Physical Fitness Training in Operational Units: the Army Public Health Center Injury Prevention Program is leading efforts to evaluate the effects of unit-based physical training programs on injury rates and physical fitness within operational units.

 More information on injury prevention and physical fitness and training.

Identifying injuries quickly is important so that appropriate care and management can be initiated as soon as possible, preventing further complications. The ultimate goal of early identification and treatment of injuries is to maximize the Soldier's function. Unit-based and MTF-based programs provide early identification and management of injuries, return Soldiers to duty quickly, and optimize a medically ready force.

  • Standardized e-Profile, sick slips, and reconditioning programs: used to facilitate unit physical training and improve communication between providers and unit leaders.
  • Screening and Referral Tools: developed based on best practices and evidence to assist primary care providers in appropriately managing patients with acute injuries and conditions. Learn more about Musculoskeletal Screening and Referral Tools. External Link

The Army is evaluating the effects of Musculoskeletal Action Teams, which are advanced physical training and reconditioning teams at the battalion and brigade levels that aim to reduce or lessen the severity of injuries through early identification and treatment of injuries.

Communication of findings and recommendations provides the link between research and practice necessary to implement effective injury prevention and human optimization programs. Experts from the APHC, the OTSG External Link, and USARIEM External Linkhave formed the SMR-CP Health Promotion and Musculoskeletal Injury Working Group to disseminate scientific information aimed at reducing musculoskeletal injuries to both military and civilian communities.

SMR-CP-Related Courses and Communication Materials

Soldier Medical Readiness Campaign Injury Prevention/Human Performance Optimization Education Series

The SMR-CP IP/HPO Education Series is designed to provide military medical providers and staff, including physical therapists, nurses, and health promotion professionals, with information about a variety of medical readiness topics. The Series consists of quarterly Defense Connect Online (DCO) sessions with two or more presentations from experts in the fields of injury prevention, human performance optimization, and health promotion.

Communication Print Materials & Resources

Visit the APHC Health Information Products e-Catalog to download or order available materials.


News Articles


Related Sites