What Is That?

 Bed Bugs Awareness

Last Updated: December 20, 2023



Bed Bug Awareness Week​

June 4-11, 2023​

​How d​o I know if I have them?

Normally, it’s more common to identify a bed bug infestation by the fecal spots than by the bed bug itself. I Spy with my Little Eye….

Although bed bugs can be seen with a naked eye, their ability to hide (cryptic behavior) is one of the reasons why infestations are so hard to eradicate. Their feces are often easier to spot on bedding and furniture.

​What do they eat?​

Unlike mosquitoes, both female and male bed bugs feed on blood Hunger Games: Bed Bug Edition

It is common for bed bugs to bite in clusters. Often we see three bites in a row. This behavior has been referred to as breakfast, lunch, and dinner bites. Although bites can be painful and have complications, bed bugs are not known to transmit any disease. Not all people react the same way to the bites. Some don’t even show any symptoms associated with the bites.

Why do I have them?

Bed bugs need blood to survive. They prefer to feed every 3-4 days on average, since this is the time it takes them to fully digest a blood meal.

Bed Bugs Do Not Discriminate

Regardless of cleanliness and hygiene, anyone can get bed bugs. Bed bugs are great hitchhikers as their dispersal is very limited without the help of humans.


​How do the​y look?​

Although bed bugs prefer to feed on humans’ blood, and bat bugs on bats, 

they can both feed on other warm-blooded hosts.

The Long-Distanced Cousins Bed Bugs vs Bat Bugs

Bed Bug

Cimex lectularius​​

​Bat Bug

Cimex pilosellus
​Food source
Prefers human blood But can feed on birds, andother animals
​Bats are their preferred food source
But can feed on birds, rodents and humans
3/16 to 1/4 inch (apple seed size)/translucent yellow to dark brown-red/oval​
3/16 to 1/4 inch (apple seed size)/ translucent yellow to brown-red/oval​​
Under the microscope
Shorter hairs, Slim mid body​
“Hairy” appearance, pronounced mid body, intense red eyes​​
Where do you find them?​
Bed frames, mattress, furniture, luggage​Chimneys, attics, windows, caves​​
Control methods​​​Trained pest control professionals are required to eradicate Bed Bugs infestations. A combination of techniques including dust, encasements, heat and chemical treatments may be required to effectively remove the infestation.Trained pest control professionals are required to eradicate Bat Bugs infestations. A combination of techniques including dust, encasements, heat and chemical treatments may be required to effectively remove the infestation. The removal of Bats is imperative to eradicate bat bug infestations.​

How to avoid them?​

Bed bugs have been rated the hardest indoor pest to eradicate in the U.S.

The Unwelcomed Guest: What to do to Prevent Them?

If you travel, be sure to inspect your room. Carefully check all the bed furniture and close proximities. Inspect between the mattresses and bedding. Be sure to inspect not only for the insect but also for fecal or blood stains and their skin shedding.
When traveling, keep your suitcase as far away from the bed as possible. Instead, opt for the closet and bathroom. This can prevent bed bugs from being transferred from the suitcase to your home.

Upon arrival at the home, if you suspect the presence of bed bugs, proceed to wash and dry the clothes in automatic machines. Heat from the machine for at least an hour can get rid of the bugs.

Photos: Adobe Stock, Licensed to Defense Public Health Center - Aberdeen