Hurricanes and Typhoons

Last Updated: December 16, 2024
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Hurricanes and Typhoons are forms of tropical cyclones that are capable of causing devastating damage to communities. Hurricanes and Typhoons are storm systems with circulating air and sustained wind speeds of 74 miles per hour or higher. The strongest storms can have wind speeds exceeding 155 miles per hour. Areas on the Atlantic Coast, near the Gulf of Mexico, as well as parts of the Southwestern United States are vulnerable to hurricanes. The Atlantic hurricane season lasts from June to November and peaks between August and October. The Eastern Pacific hurricane season begins mid May and also ends in November. Typhoons form in the western part of the North Pacific Ocean. This webpage provides helpful information on warnings, possible hazards, and resources that help you prepare for, respond to, and recover from hurricanes and typhoons.​

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Hurricane Health Threat Briefing Templates External Link (Password protected - milSuite)

Additional Health Threat Briefing Resources External Link (Password protected - milSuite)

Hurricane Response Tip Card

Dow​nl​oad​External Link

Deployment Health Guide: Hurricane Response


DoD Insect Repellent System Card


Government Resources

Learn what to do...

Before, during​ and after a hurricaneExternal Link (FEMA)

During an evacuationExternal Link (​

Pet and Animal Emergency​ PlanningExternal Link (

Taking Care of Your Pets During Hurricanes and Floods​​​​​External Link (FDA)​

​Non-Government Resources​

The American Veterinary Medical Association

Hurricane Response Banner  

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     Calculations and Measurements


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