Health Risk Communication

Last Updated: March 12, 2024
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Health risk communication is a continually emerging area of emphasis and importance at the DCPH-A​. 

A good health risk communication strategy plays a comprehensive part to prevent or mitigate adverse human health outcomes related to hazardous substance exposure, environmental health issues, natural disasters, identification and spreading of diseases, nuclear emergencies and so much more.

It is DCPH-A​’s responsibility to ensure that decisions are made using the best available information. The Army community, citizen groups, health professionals, and state and local government representatives are all unique sources of information needed to effectively communicate about public health risks. They can provide information concerning site background, community health concerns, demographics, land and natural resource use, environmental contamination, environmental pathways, and health outcomes. Information is needed from the military community at several points in the health risk communication process. Involving the military community in the information-gathering process makes communications more credible and sets the stage for community participation in helping to resolve problems. Communities need and want to be actively involved in solving problems that affect their lives.​

Contact Information

For more information or to schedule a consultation, pl​ease contact us.
