Red Hill Public Health Information

Last Updated: March 14, 2025
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​Red Hill Fuel Release Public Health Information

Empowering Health

​Welcome to the Red Hill Fuel Release Public Health Information webpage. 


  • In November 2021, aviation fuel (Jet Propellant 5 (JP-5)) entered the drinking water system at Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam (JBPHH).
  • Approximately 90,000 people who lived, worked, or went to school on JBPHH were exposed.
  • Many people had initial symptomsExternal Link​ such as rash, nausea, vomiting, headache, stomach pain, and eye irritation.
  • Some people continue to have health problemsExternal Link​ that started or worsened after the fuel release. 

Defense Health Agency (DHA) – Public Health​ is working with federal and civilian partners to understand any potential long-term health problems related t​o the ​November 2021 fuel releaseExternal Link. Our goal is to pro​​vide you with essential health information and resources.


  • Added the Incidence of Selected Health Conditions​ Among TRICARE Beneficiaries Exposed to the Red Hill Fuel Release study report (added 14 January 2025). 
  • Archived the Red Hill Public Health Response Summary webpage and integrated that content onto this page (updated 30 October 2024). 
  • Added links to the University of Hawaii's registry update and to the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine's Red Hill consensus study update briefings that each provided to the Fuel Tank Advisory Committee on October 9, 2024 (added 22 October 2024). ​
  • Added the recording and the slides for Webinar #3 held July 16, 2024 to the Stay Informed section (updated 12 August 2024).
  • Updated the Understanding Your Health Registry Options section to reflect the University of Hawaii's June 20, 2024 announcement that they will be creating an independent Red Hill Health Registry (updated 21 June 2024).
  • DHA Public Health sends out e-mail updates whenever there's noteworthy information to share regarding the Red Hill fuel leak public health response. You can view all eUpdates in the Red Hill e-Updates Archive document (updated 12 December 2024) and subscribe to receive the latest news

Table of Contents

Health Concerns and Health Care

Fuel exposure may make you sick. It can cause headaches, nausea, stomachaches, and skin rashes. These symptoms usually go away on their own, but if they do not, see a doctor.​​


  • Secretarial Designation (SECDES) Updated and Extended for Red Hill Fuel Release Health Concerns
    Deadline extended to March 10, 2026.
    • What is SECDES?
      Secretarial Designation authorizes medical assessment and care at all Medical Treatment Facilities​ as part of the DOD response to the November 2021, Red Hill fuel release.
    • To qualify for SECDES, a person must meet one of the following—
      • Permanent residence in housing served by the JBPHH Water Distribution System between Nov. 20, 2021, and March 18, 2022
      • Full- or part-time work in any facility served by the JBPHH Water Distribution System any time between Nov. 20, 2021, and March 18, 2022
      • Attended school or daycare served by JBPHH Water Distribution System any time between Nov. 20, 2021, and March 18, 2022
      • Current resident of military family housing served by the JBPHH Water Distribution System
      • Be experiencing persistent, worsening, or new symptoms you attribute to either the November 2021 JP-5 fuel release or current concerns over drinking water quality in military family housing served by the JBPHH Water Distribution System

"​​Everyone has a story that experienced the fuel release. Everyone has a journey; for some that journey is short, for others it is long, and for some that journey has not ended. I know that there are a lot of concerns and a lot of frustrations. We are going to do what we can to try to get answers no matter where those answers may lie. We do not know what it is like to be in your shoes, but we can be present, listen to your concerns and do what we can. At the end of the day, we can bear witness to what you have been through and resolve to take the information and try to help you. That will continue to inform what we do every day here at the DHA."

​~Colonel (Retired) John Oh

​ ​

Medical Testing

There are no recommended tests for persons exposed to the Red Hill fuel release. However, your doctor may order tests for any symptoms you may be experiencing.

Still Feeling Sick?

Some people exposed to the Red Hill fuel release have reported still feeling sick. Even after many doctor visits and tests, it's still not clear why they feel this way.

We know this is a difficult time for those who are sick and their families. We want to understand how the fuel release might be affecting your health, both now and in the future.

We are still looking into this public health issue and will let you know what we find out.

If you are a healthcare worker and you have seen unusual sicknesses that you think could be related to the fuel release, we want to hear from you. Email us at Provide your contact information, and one of our clinical team members will call you. Please don't include any private health details in the email.

Long-Term Health and the Red Hill Registry

Doctor holding patients hands

Long-Term Health

We understand there is concern about what may happen to your long-term health because of the fuel exposure. The research on the long-term health effects specifically associated with fuel (JP-5) exposure is limited. We do not yet know if there is a higher risk of specific long-term diseases or conditions that would justify screening to detect problems at an early stage. We also do not know how much JP-5 a person may have been exposed to.

If any evidence of long-term health risk emerges, we will inform the community potentially exposed to the Red Hill fuel release and specify what actions you and your healthcare provider should take. Everyone potentially exposed to the fuel release should establish a partnership with a trusted healthcare provider. You should undergo your regular check-ups and health risk assessments.

Understanding Your Health Registry Options

Independent Red Hill Health Registry - University of Hawaii
The University of Hawaii is creating an independent Red Hill Health Registry to track health outcomes of those impacted by the Red Hill fuel release. This opt-in registry will connect participants with services and track their health over time. The project is funded by a $27.2 million federal grant and plans to launch a formal online registration portal in late 2025. Sign up with the University of Hawaii to stay informed​External Link about the registry's development.

The UH provided an update on the Red Hill Health Registry to the Fuel Tank Advisory Committee (FTAC) on October 9, 2024. This UH Red Hill Health Registry presentation External Link​ and all presentations from the FTAC meetings are available at the Hawaii Department of Health webpage External Link

  • Your involvement matters!
    Your active participation in this independent Red Hill registry will be vital to efforts to understand and address the impacts of JP-5 exposure. Together, we can make a significant difference in public health and contribute to evidence-based decision making for health care options.

​Red Hill Defense Occupational and Environmental Health Readiness System (DOEHRS) Registry

Also referred to as the "Red Hill DOEHRS Incident Report".

The Red Hill DOEHRS Registry was created after the Red Hill fuel release.  Here’s what you need to know. 

  • What is DOEHRS?

The Defense Occupational and Environmental Health Readiness System, or DOEHRS, is the DOD information system for known and potential occupational and environmental hazardous exposures. Learn more.

  • What is the Red Hill DOEHRS Registry?

Shortly after the Red Hill fuel release, the U.S. Navy established the Red Hill DOEHRS Registry and populated it with the names of people (including family members) living in a military family housing area exposed to the fuel release. DHA then added rosters of DOD workers served by the Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam water system.

  • Who is eligible for the Red Hill DOEHRS Registry?

DOD-affiliated individuals (military members, their families, DOD civilian employees, and DOD contractors) exposed to or at risk of exposure to the JP-5 fuel release in the Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam water system through residence; work; or school or daycare attendance anytime between November 20, 2021, and March 18, 2022.​

  • How do I know if I am included in the Red Hill DOEHRS Registry?

In early 2022, sponsors of families in military family housing areas served by the Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam water system received a letter notifying them that they were listed in the Red Hill DOEHRS Registry. If you would like to confirm that you and your family are listed, please email and include your full name. Do not include any protected health information (PHI) or personally identifiable information (PII) as described in the “Contact Us" section of this webpage. Please provide a phone number in case we need to contact you about your request.

  • ​How can I get documentation that I’m in the Red Hill DOEHRS Registry included in my medical record?

Everyone in the Red Hill DOEHRS Registry has the Red Hill exposure included in his or her VA/DOD Individual Longitudinal Exposure Record (ILER), which is the lifetime record of all occupational and environmental exposures. Even military family members in the Red Hill DOEHRS Registry will have an ILER entry for Red Hill. If you are getting care at a military medical treatment facility (MTF), the electronic health record system is called MHS GENESIS.  Within MHS GENESIS, your healthcare provider can view your Red Hill exposure through a data link to your ILER. If you would like documentation that you are in the Red Hill DOEHRS Registry, please email We will reply with a confirmation and you can use the email as proof you are in the Red Hill DOEHRS Registry.

  • ​How will the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) be able to see that I’m in the Red Hill DOEHRS Registry?

VA has access to ILER for veterans (but not for non-veteran military family members).  VA clinicians, benefits administrators, and researchers will be able to see that you are in the Red Hill DOEHRS Registry.

Community Engagement Resources

Stay Informed

Red Hill Health Webinar #3​

This event was held on July 16, 2024, at 1500 ET. Join the View the Red Hill Webinar #3 RecordingExternal Link

Download the webinar slides.

Red Hill Health Webinar #2

This event was held on April 9, 2024, at 1500 ET.  View the Red Hill Webinar #2 Recording​* External Link 

Note: This webinar did not include slides with substantial content. All key information was presented verbally during the event.

Red Hill Health Webinar #1

This event was held on January 9, 2024, at 1400 ET.  View the Red Hill Health Webinar RecordingExternal Link

Download the webinar slides.

* If the webinar recording does not start automatically, click 'Watch on the web ins​tead' on the page that opens. Then, join the Teams meeting (which is the recording) anonymously.  ​

Email Updates

We'll send periodic emails to keep you updated on the latest public health information and upcoming events.

Subscribe or manage your subscription*

*Important note: Due to restrictions on some U.S. Government networks, subscribing or managing your subscription works best from your home network. For the best user experience, we recommend using a personal email address. Some DOD email systems may strip images and links, making it harder to read our messages.

View all past email updates (updated January 23, 2025) sent to the "Red Hill e-Updates" email group using govDELIVERY. 

University of Hawaii's Independent Red Hill Health Registry

Sign up with the University of Hawaii to stay informed​ External Link​ about the registry's development.​

Contact Us


We welcome your feedback and are committed to helping you with your health questions or concerns.

This is not a secure mailbox. Do not include PHI or PII in your message to us. Examples include—

  • Social security numbers,
  • Dates of birth,
  • Health conditions, and
  • Treatments.

If you have a personal health question, contact your doctor.

Additiona​l Resources




What health conditions were analyzed?

Migraine, hematuria, irritable bowel syndrome, periphera​l neuropathy, eosinophilic esophagitis, and Raynaud’s syndrome.

​What medical records were examined in this study?

This analysis compares TRICARE beneficiaries who may have been exposed to fuel-contaminated water with a non-exposed group. 54,411 individuals were identified from the DOEHRS-IR Red Hill roster; 44,373 were DEERS-eligible and therefore included in the analysis.

What were the results?

Individuals in the exposed group had increased cases of migraines and eosinophilic esophagitis compared to the non-exposed group.

What are the limitations of this study?

The study does not establish a direct cause-and-effect relationship between the fuel release and these conditions. Other factors, such as individual health histories or unrelated environmental influences, could have contributed to these outcomes. The study also emphasizes the need for caution when interpreting these findings and highlights the limitations of the data, including challenges in accurately diagnosing conditions and accounting for all potential variables.

  • ​National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine (NASM)

The NASEM is conducting a consensus study on the clinical follow-up and care for those impacted by the Jet Propellant 5 (JP-5) release at Red Hill. Once completed, the study will recommend guidance on clinical actions to monitor the health of community members exposed during the November 2021 release of JP-5 aviation fuel from the Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility into the Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam water distribution system.

The study is expected to be completed in March 2026. In the meantime, you can visit the NASEM Red Hill Study webpage​ for updates External Link.

The NASEM provided an update on this study to the Fuel Tank Advisory Committee (FTAC) on October 9, 2024. That NASEM ​Red Hill Clinical Follow-Up & Care Study ​presentation​ External Link and all presentations from the FTAC meetings are available at the Hawaii Department of Health webpage​ ​External Link


  • ​Community health impacts after a jet fuel leak contaminated a drinking water system: Oahu, Hawaii, November 2021

Shanna Miko, Alex R. Poniatowski, Alyssa N. Troeschel, Diana J. Felton, Shireen Banerji, Michele L. F. Bolduc, Alvin C. Bronstein, Alyson M. Cavanaugh, Charles Edge, Abigail L. Gates, Madeline Jarvis, Nicole A. Mintz, Vidisha Parasram, Jamie Rayman, Amanda R. Smith, Jared C. Wagner, Benjamin G. Gerhardstein, Maureen F. Orr; Community health impacts after a jet fuel leak contaminated a drinking water system: Oahu, Hawaii, November 2021. J Water Health 1 July 2023; 21 (7): 956–971. DOI: Link

  • ​Notes from the Field: Self-Reported Health Symptoms Following Petroleum Contamination of a Drinking Water System — Oahu, Hawaii, November 2021–February 2022

Troeschel AN, Gerhardstein B, Poniatowski A, et al. Notes from the Field: Self-Reported Health Symptoms Following Petroleum Contamination of a Drinking Water System — Oahu, Hawaii, November 2021–February 2022. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2022;71:718–719. DOI:​​External Link

DHA Pub​lic Health does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment specific to any individual. The information on this website, such as text, images, and other materials, is only for general knowledge and should not be used to make decisions about your health. If you have any questions about your health, please talk to your doctor or other qualified healthcare provider. Never ignore or delay medical advice because of something you read on this webpage. Only your doctor can recommend specific tests, treatments, or other care for your individual health needs. The information on this webpage does not guarantee coverage under TRICARE, CHAMPUS, or any other U.S. government healthcare program. Reliance on any information or content on this webpage is solely at your own risk.​​