Within a military setting, a SUD can impact a service members’ readiness and resilience and may have negative effects on family, friends, and the military community.
The Health of the Force reports provide data to identify conditions that influence the health and medical readiness of the Force, to include the most current substance use metrics across the Active Component and the Army National Guard. Findings include-
Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the main psychoactive ingredient in marijuana, continues to be the predominant illicit drug detected through urinalysis among the Army National Guard population accounting for 90% of all illicit-drug positive results. Even though some states have legalized THC, this drug is still not authorized for Service members to use or for anyone to have on federal property.
In a public health study of data from 2016-2019:
- Alcohol was the most commonly documented substance for abuse and dependence among Active Duty Soldiers.
- Alcohol and drug overdoses were the most common method of suicide attempts among Army service members.
- Individuals who are regularly prescribed opioid and psychoactive medications may be at increased risk for misuse, abuse and overdose.
- Comorbidities may occur between SUDs, other BH conditions, and physical injuries.
- Among Reserve/National Guard Soldiers' alcohol misuse was found to be influenced by social circles.
- Drinking buddies and heavy-drinkers in an individual’s social circle are risk factors for Reserve/National Guard Soldiers’ problems with alcohol use.
- Frequent drinking with people in an individual’s social circle is a risk factor for [Reserve/National Guard] Soldiers’ problems with alcohol use.
- Having a social circle that includes military peers may be protective against alcohol use problems among Reserve/National Guard Soldiers who have deployed.
- A history of military sexual trauma may increase risk for greater overall alcohol consumption, more frequent heavy drinking, and alcohol use problems, as noted among male Reserve/National Guard Soldiers.
- The DoD continues to adapt prevention and treatment efforts to the unique characteristics of military life and culture to include the number of drinks, the number of friends present and location of alcohol use (off versus on installation) and the impact on military readiness.
focuses on leading a healthy lifestyle and encourages avoiding or stopping
risky behavior.
At the national level, Red Ribbon Week takes place each year from October 23 through 31st, and is the nation’s largest and longest-running drug-use prevention campaign. Read how one Army community used Red Ribbon Week
to highlight an individual and community commitment to be drug free. Use the Community Resource Guide
to contact your local Substance Abuse Program for more information.
If you or someone you know needs help:
- Contact the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline at 988 and press 1 for the Military Crisis Line
- Call 1-800-273-TALK (8255), press 1 or Text 838255
News Articles
- Drugs and Alcohol
: Military Psychologist Talks Facts, Prevention of Substance, Alcohol Misuse among Service Members
Alcohol and Substance Use Resources
- Own Your Limits
is a Defense Department (DOD) education campaign whose mission is to help Service members learn to drink responsibly, if they choose to drink alcohol.
- Too Much To Lose
is a Defense Department (DOD) education campaign whose mission of the campaign is to inform Service members on the facts and risks related to prescription drug misuse and illicit and prohibited drug use that can impact their health, career and overall well-being.
- You Can Quit2
is a Defense Department (DOD) education campaign whose mission is to help Service members quit tobacco—for themselves and their loved ones.