Note: Representative C-weighted Day-Night average sound Level (CDNL) Noise Zones generated by demolition and large caliber weapon activity.
An Installation Compatible Use Zone (ICUZ) study provides a strategy for noise management in the areas surrounding a military facility. Elements of the ICUZ include military noise analysis, noise background and metrics, complaint management, and when necessary, noise abatement procedures. The ICUZ study examines noise exposure associated with military testing/training operations, and provides land use guidelines for achieving compatibility. The ICUZ can assist both installation personnel and local government officials.
The Environmental Noise Branch can assist in all aspects of military noise analysis for compliance with National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA) requirements. Services include range and aircraft noise modeling, development of noise assessment reports for existing activities and proposed alternatives, and review of noise specific sections in Environmental Assessments (EA) and Environmental Impact Statements (EIS).
Two NEPA guidance posters were designed by the Defense Noise Working Group (DNWG) to ensure consistency across the DoD addressing noise impact analyses as part of NEPA efforts. These documents are available to authors, coordinators, and installation personnel
upon request.
- Aviation Noise NEPA Guidance Poster - Provides information to authors/coordinators on the development of Noise Zones for proposed aviation activities.
- Demolition/Weapon Noise NEPA Guidance Poster - DoD weapons firing is categorized into either (1) small caliber, which is generally referred to as “small arms”, includes weapons of .50 caliber and below; or (2) large caliber, which is often referred to as “blast noise”, includes weapons of 20 millimeter (mm) or greater, in addition to explosive and demolition charges. DoD weapons noise analysis addresses ground fired weapons as well as air-to-ground activity. This guidance provides information to authors/coordinators on the development of Noise Zones for proposed demolition or weapon activities.
The Noise Branch has expertise in DoD approved computer based noise models for aircraft, small arms, and large caliber weapons (including explosive charges). Noise contours are used to evaluate land use compatibility and determine audibility/complaint risk of existing and proposed operations.
The Environmental Noise Branch can assist Army and other DoD personnel with information and/or document review for matters pertaining to noise generated by military training and operations. This can include information and/or document review for Army Compatible Use Buffer and Installation Resilience Programs (formerly Compatible Use Plan and Joint Land Use Study) development, as well as guidance on using contouring to establish priority areas and Military Compatibility Areas (MCA). Additionally, the Noise Branch can offer information regarding aspects necessary for developing effective and comprehensive Noise Management Programs.
Although noise modeling is the primary means of assessing environmental noise impacts, the Environmental Noise Branch has the expertise and equipment to conduct on-site noise monitoring. Monitoring can offer valuable information regarding specific noise levels, when the source or operations cannot be modeled or in instances when recorded data are used as a community relations tool.
The Department of Defense Community and Environmental Primer Resources website contains various DODIs, laws, policies, and technical bulletins related to environmental noise for all Services.
Traditional training opportunities for 'military' Environmental Noise are generally limited. However, there are resources available online, such as webinars produced by
REPI which provide an introduction to noise, and a variety of other topics including JLUS, Natural Resources, Sentinel Landscapes, and TE&S.
Effective Community Engagement
Can You Hear Me Now? Addressing Noise Impacts in Your REPI Partnership
Additional relevant webinar files:
For those with a CAC there are two courses available on
Navy E-Learning:
- Introduction to the Air Installations Compatible Use Zone (AICUZ) Program (NAVFAC-AICUZ-INTRO-1.0)
- Advanced Concepts in Air Installations Compatible Use Zone (AICUZ) Program Implementation (NAVFAC-AICUZ-ADVANCED-1.0)
• DoD Operational Noise Program. Established policy and assigns responsibilities for a coordinated DoD noise program. It also provides for establishment of a DoD Noise Working Group (DNWG).
• Title 40, Chapter V, CFR Part 1500-1508 – National Environmental policy Act (NEPA). Federal law that requires the review of all federally supported activities that have the potential to impact the environment.
• AR 200-1 Environmental Protection and Enhancement Chapter 14 contains policy to develop, implement, and maintain noise programs that promote long-term compatible land use on and in the vicinity of Army installations.
Contact us for additional information on Environmental/Operational Noise.
Environmental Noise:
Noise levels below where hearing protection is required (i.e. Health Hazard or Hearing Conservation thresholds), but are high enough to produce other negative effects and/or interfere with quality of life. Characteristically tied to land use and/or annoyance/quality of life. Applies to populations both on and offpost.
TG 044 Suggested Procedures for Handling and Documenting Noise Complaints at Army Installations
Provides practical information on developing and maintaining a Noise Complaint Management Program
DoD Community and Environmental Noise Primer
A resource for involvement and education of public citizens and local government officials, as well as installation personnel.
The primary effect of environmental/operational noise on exposed communities is short-and long-term annoyance, defined by the USEPA (1974) as any negative subjective reaction on the part of an individual or group. Other negative effects of noise include classroom learning disruption, sleep disturbance, speech interference, and productivity loss. In addition, Studies have been conducted to examine the non-auditory health effects of aircraft and weapons (impulsive) noise exposure, focusing primarily on stress response, blood pressure, birth weight, mortality rates, and cardiovascular health. To date, direct results have been inconclusive; however, more research is needed in this field.
Note: Representative A-weighted Day-Night average sound Level (ADNL) Noise Zones generated by aviation activity at an airfield.