Services Provided
- Evaluate all materiel capable of generating nonionizing radiation (including radio frequency, microwave, laser, and optical radiation sources), including input to the HHA process and system safety reviews for military acquisition program managers.
- Conduct installation and site surveys (SAVs) to assist commanders in developing and maintaining an effective Nonionizing Radiation Protection Program.
- Investigate all incidents of suspected overexposure to nonionizing radiation.
- Provide representatives for the DoD Transmitted Electromagnetic Radiation Protection Working Group, the Laser System Safety Working Group, and other working groups developing DoD policy for mitigating the hazards of nonionizing radiation.
- Assist with developing national and international standards for exposure to nonionizing radiation.
- Provide training to personnel responsible for implementing and maintaining Nonionizing Radiation Protection Programs.
- Develop and review regulations, technical bulletins, and information papers that address criteria for human exposure to nonionizing radiation.
- Develops situational, exportable, & on-demand product development to address customer-specific requests (e.g., OTSG, DoD, VA).
To request services from the NR Division, please click here for more information.
Nonionizing Radiation Safety Program Requirements
Those responsible for acquiring systems must follow the requirements of DODI 6055.15, DODI 6055.11, and DODI 5000.69 DOD Joint Services Weapons and Laser Systems Safety Processes. A military exemption is required for lasers unable to comply with federal regulations. Click here for more information about military laser exemptions.
Organizations utilizing nonionizing radiation sources must:
- Document and implement an effective Laser Safety Program and Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Safety Program.
- Maintain an inventory of all Class 3B and 4 and all military exempt laser devices and controlled EMF sources within the organization.
- Provide awareness training for source users.
- Conduct regular audits and investigate incidents of overexposure.
Fact Sheet on 2023 and 2024 Eclipse of the Sun
On 14 October 2023 and 8 April 2024, the skies of North America will darken as a result of a solar eclipse. However viewing a solar eclipse without the proper protection could result in permanent blurry vision and central blind spots. Your geographic location and time of viewing will govern whether you can view a partial, annular, or the awe inspiring total solar eclipse. To learn more about potential viewing hazards, safe viewing techniques, and times and locations of these rare celestial events check out this Fact Sheet.