Course Details

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Course ID
Course Title
Tri-Service Vision Conservation and Readiness
TRADOC Medical Center of Excellence (MEDCoE)
Target Audience
Organizations from the DHA, Army, Navy, Air Force or other DoD organizations involved in Vision Conservation and Readiness program and personnel who are potentially exposed to occupational eye hazards or who are impacted by occupational vision standards.

The purpose of this DL course is to develop student understanding of Vision Conservation and Readiness. This includes all requirements as well as specific components and functions of a vision conservation and readiness program. The specific course topics can include fundamentals of vision, lighting and lighting requirements, color vision and occupational issues, vision screening and testing methods, ocular hazards, non-ionizing radiation ocular trauma, and vision conservation program management.

This course is no longer offered in-person. 



1) Go to the Army Training Requirements and Resources System (ATRRS) URL from any device:

2) Once you log in, click on the “Course Catalog” link under ATRRS Quick Links

3) Navigate to the Course Title Box

4) Type in “Vision Conservation” and click the “search the ATRRS Course Catalog” button

5) Of the two courses available, select the course title under “MEDCOE DL PROGRAMS”

6) Under the Class Schedule portion in the center of the page, select “Register”

7) ATRRS will navigate you to a registration page where you will login with your CAC

8) Fill out the application with your relevant information and when finished select the “Submit Application” button

9) Your submission should be automatically approved within 24-48 hours. If it has been longer than 48 hours please contact:



Tri-Service Vision Conservation and Readiness Program personnel/speakers have no vested interest in the topics covered in this course. 

For additional information or to request detailed enrollment instructions, contact us at: 

Course Schedule
There are no sessions scheduled at this time. Please check back later.

If no classes are available or fit your schedule... You can help us by letting us know you are interested in this course. Use the link below to provide us with the necessary information.

Email Question to Course Director