Health Physics

 Radiological Incidents - Recommendations on the selection of PPE

Last Updated: October 16, 2023
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This webpage provides recommendations for the selection of personal protective equipment (PPE) for medical treatment facility (MTF) personnel and emergency responders who are engaged in the extraction, triage, transport, and initial treatment of casualties of a radiological incident.​

How might I be exposed to radiation?

There are two main routes of radiation exposure: external and internal.

  1. External radiation is emitted by sources outside the human body.
  2. Internal radiation is emitted by sources inside the human body. This can happen when radioactive materials are inhaled, ingested, or enter the body through a wound. Internal radiation can also come from radioactive materials that have embedded themselves in the body, such as bomb fragments, shrapnel, or debris.

What PPE is appropriate for me?

The correct PPE, when properly used, will prevent internal exposure to radionuclides, prevent external exposure to alpha particles and most beta particles, and reduce the spread of contamination. PPE will not protect personnel from external exposure to gamma and neutron radiation. The appropriate use of PPE should not introduce additional unnecessary risk to the conduct of duties. Conduct a complete risk assessment before implementing these recommendations.

Contamination Zone Responders

Radiological incident (no other hazards)

Level C PPE or Mission-Oriented Protective Posture (MOPP) 4 (such as, the Joint Service Lightweight Integrated Suit Technology (JSLIST)) provides adequate protection during first response, search and rescue, and decontamination (see Table 1).

  • Level A with a self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) should be worn if the hazards are unknown.

    In the presence of chemical hazards, biological hazards, recent fire, or low-oxygen areas, Level A or Level B PPE may be appropriate.
  • For rescues involving fire, structural firefighting gear should be worn, including helmet, SCBA, and turnout gear (thermally insulated coat, pants, and boots).

Transporting Contaminated Patients to an MTF

The risk of radiation injury or illness from transporting contaminated patients is extremely low. Appropriate PPE should not restrict movement unnecessarily or increase the risk of an accident when transporting patients. Other factors and universal precautions will most likely dictate the appropriate PPE.​

Appropriate PPE can include:

  • Disposable gloves
  • National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) N-95/99/100 respiratory mask
  • Eye protection or face shield
  • Waterproof disposable shoe covers
  • Disposable gown



Other ventilation devices should be used as an alternative to mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.


Pre-MTF Triage Procedures and Perimeter Security PPE

Those performing initial triage and perimeter security that may encounter contaminated patients should wear a minimum of Level C PPE.

Initial MTF Precautions

Emergency treatment or lifesaving measures performed outside the MTF should not be delayed for radiological decontamination of casualties/patients.

Consider all potential victims/casualties/patients of a radiological/nuclear incident as contaminated unless proven otherwise. Standard hospital barrier clothing, as used in universal precautions, is adequate for emergency treatment of radiological-contaminated casualties. If cross-contamination occurs, it may be necessary to declare an area of the MTF as contaminated and to screen any medical personnel leaving that area for contamination. If patients have been adequately decontaminated before entering the MTF, there are no additional PPE requirements for care of the patient inside the MTF.

How should I remove potentially contaminated PPE?

Remove potentially contaminated PPE in the following order:

  1. outer gloves
  2. dosimeter
  3. tape at ankles/wrists coveralls
  4. head cover
  5. respiratory protection
  6. shoe covers
  7. inner gloves 

Bag the removed PPE separately from non-contaminated equipment and waste.

Level A

Level B

Level C


Air Supply

Self-contained breathing apparatus or Supplied Air Respirator; commercial NIOSH CBRN approved

Self-contained breathing apparatus or Supplied Air Respirator; commercial NIOSH CBRN approved

Tight-fitting full-face piece air-purifying respirator with P-100 filter; organic vapor and acid gas cartridges/canister

​M-40 or M-50 mask with air purifying cartridges/canister


Fully encapsulating chemical resistant suit and duct tape to seal seams

Non-gas-tight encapsulating suit

Tyvek or equivalent garments and duct tape to seal seams


Gloves/ Boots

Chemical resistant over- gloves and boot covers

Chemical resistant over- gloves and boot covers

Double gloves and boot covers

Double gloves and overboots

Situations for Use

Environments that are immediately dangerous to life and health; working with substances that can be absorbed by or are
hazardous to skin

Environments that are immediately dangerous to life and health; only if substances cannot be absorbed by or are not hazardous to skin

First response, search and rescue, and decontamination

First response, search and rescue, and decontamination

Note: A complete risk assessment should be conducted before implementing these recommendations. 


  1. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR). 2001. Managing Hazardous Material Incidents: Volume 1 - Emergency Medical Services. Link
  2. Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute. 2013. Medical Management of Radiological Casualties Handbook, Fourth Edition. Link
  3. National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements. 2008. NCRP Report No. 161, Management of Persons Contaminated With Radionuclides.
  4. National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements. 2001. NCRP Report No. 138, Management of Terrorist Events Involving Radioactive Material.
  5. “Radiation Emergency Medical Management," U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. Link
  6. U.S. Army Center for Health Promotion and Preventive Medicine. 2008. Technical Guide 244, The Medical NBC Battlebook. ​​