Women's Health Portal

 Pregnancy When in the Military

Last Updated: May 22, 2024
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What does the DoD Military Equal Opportunity (EO) Program state related to pregnancy?

DoDI 1350.02 (change effective December 20, 2022)External Link states that discrimination on the basis of pregnancy is prohibited by the DoD Military Equal Opportunity Program. ​

Are there workplace exposures that I should be concerned about related to reproduction and pregnancy?

Find the re​commended weight limits for lifting at workExternal Link during pregnancy based on ACOG guidelines.

Find summaries to research of some hazards faced by women in the workplaceExternal Link and industry-specific research from CDC. 

Are t​here health risks to my baby from permethrin treated uniforms? 

AR 40-502, Me​dical ReadinessExternal Link (27 June 2019) states that female Soldiers who are pregnant, nursing, or trying to get pregnant are authorized to wear a non-permethrin treated duty uniform. The process and procedure of pregnancy, permethrin, and postpartum profiling is described in DA Pam 40-502. Soldiers must obtain a temporary e-profile authorizing the wear of a duty uniform without permethrin.

Send e-mail inquiries concerning the DoD Insect Repellent System and the ACU Permethrin to the DoD Pesticide Hotline at dha.apg.Pub-Health-A.mbx.pesticide-hotline@health.mil​, or call 410-436-3773 / DSN 312-​584-3773. 

What uniforms are pregnant and postpartum Soldiers allowed to wear?

According to Army Directive 2022-06 (Parenthood, Pregnancy, and Postpartum):​External Link

  • ​Commanders and supervisors will not require Soldiers to wear the Army Service Uniform (ASU) or Army Green Service Uniform (AGSU) while pregnant and for 365 days after the conclusion of pregnancy. These Soldiers are authorized the wear of the maternity and non-maternity permethrin-free Army Combat Uniform (ACU) and Improved Hot Weather Combat Uniform (IHWCU) during and after pregnancy while safely returning to optimal fitness and body composition during the postpartum period. 
  • Pregnant and Postpartum Soldiers may wear the maternity ACU trousers with the non-maternity ACU or IHWCU coat. 
  • Soldiers may voluntarily choose to end this exemption early and wear non-maternity uniforms prior to 365 days postpartum; however, no favorable or unfavorable action will be taken based on Soldiers' choice of uniform during the full exemption period. L​​​eaders will not pressure Soldiers to end their exemption early. 
  • Refer to: AR 670-1 and DA PAM 670-1 Wear and Appearance of Army Uniforms and Insignia (26 Jan 2021)​​​​

Does the military have a physical training program to help Service members maintain fitness during and after pregnancy?

Army Pregnancy Postpartum Physical Training Program (P3T) may be an option at some locations. Discuss your fitness training options for pregnancy and postpartum with your unit and provider. 

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What do I need to know about immunization before, during, and after pregnancy?

The CDCExternal Link​ states that when you​ get vaccines, you protect yourself and give your baby early protection. The current list of recommended vaccinations include:

  • COVID-19 vaccination: Get the COVID-19 vaccine if you are trying to get pregnant now, might become pregnant, are pregnant or breastfeeding to help protect yourself and your baby when younger than 6 months old and too young to be vaccinated themselves. 
  • Influenza (Flu) vaccination: Get the inactivated influenza vaccine (IIV) or recombinant influenza vaccine (RIV) shot. Getting vaccinated during pregnancy can help protect a baby from flu during the first several months after birth. Antibodies against flu are shared with infants through breast milk. 
  • Whooping cough (pertussis) vaccination: Get the Tdap (tetanus, diptheria, and pertussis) vaccine during the third trimester of each pregnancy. ​

COVID–19  and Pregnancy

You may have many questions related to COVID-19 and pregnancy. Learn the facts on the COVID-19 and pregnancy (DCPH-A) webpage. 

Other questions about your health during pregnancy

Many health habits can impact the development and growth of your baby. These include alcohol consumption, smoking, oral health, physical activity, nutrition, sleep and stress. Find out more on the Your Health During Pregnancy webpage.​ 


Directive-type Memorandum 23-001, Expansion of the Military Parental Leave Program," (January 4, 2023)External Link: Learn details about topics related to the post​partum phase of new motherhood including deployment deferral policy and the Military Parental Leave ProgramExternal Link

Service Reso​urc​es include

For services available through the Military Health System, visit their Women's Health​External Link​ webpage.​​
