Tobacco-Free Living

 Health Effects of Vape Oils Containing Unknown Substances

Last Updated: June 29, 2023
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PUBLIC HEALTH ALERT: Users of e-cigarettes and/or vaporizer pens must ensure that the products they purchase do not contain Cannabidiol (CBD) oil, CBD, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) or synthetic cannabinoids.

Many patients with medical conditions potentially related to vaping products marketed as containing CBD oil have been seen at medical treatment centers around the world.
Although pure CBD oil has not yet been associated with adverse health effects. CBD vape oils can contain synthetic cannabinoids, concentrated tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and/or other hazardous compounds in addition to, or in place of, CBD oil.
Symptoms ranged from headache, nausea, vomiting, palpitations, dilated pupils and dizziness to confusion, disorientation, agitation and seizures, all of which are consistent with synthetic cannabinoids.
This problem has the potential to spread quickly across the Army. Although some vape oils may contain CBD oil, CBD, THC, and/or synthetic cannabinoids, many vape oils do not disclose that they may contain illegal and/or potentially hazardous substances to include synthetic cannabinoids. 
Even consumers who may not be seeking products containing CBD oil, CBD, THC or other synthetic cannabinoids may unintentionally purchase and use them. 
Per Army Regulation 600-85, The Army Substance Abuse Program, Soldiers are prohibited from using hemp or products containing hemp oil and are also prohibited from using synthetic cannabis, to include synthetic blends using CBD oil, and other THC substitutes ("spice"), or any other substance similarly designed to mimic the effects of a controlled substance.

Additional information for leaders, warfighters, families and healthcare professionals is provided by Operation Supplement Safety External Link
Click here for a PDF version of this Public Health Alert.
Click here for more information on vaping/e-cigarettes/personal vaporizers.