Waste Management

 Regulated Medical Waste

Last Updated: December 30, 2024

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Fact Sheets and Technical Information Papers

Waste Management Branch personnel prepare specialized Fact Sheets and Information Papers based on customer requests, regulatory changes, and assistance visit trends analysis.​




Laboratory and Medical Care 

  • Human Placenta Release​External Link (CAC required)– ​​Guidance to Medical Treatment Facilities for releasing human placenta to patients following childbirth.​
  • Waste Classification for BOTOX® (OnabotulinumtoxinA)​ – Waste classification and disposal guidance for vials and syringes containing or having contained Botox.​
  • Cord Blood Donation – Guidance for the collection, packaging, and shipping of donated maternal cord blood following birth for stem ​cell research or medical use. 
  • Disposing Laboratory Plastic Pipettes and Tips – Disposal guidance for used laboratory plastic pipettes and tips when in contact with either infectious or chemicals agents.
  • Handling of Human Remains from Natural Disasters – Description of the potential health hazards from handling human remains resulting from trauma due to natural disasters (not infectious disease), and guidance for protecting workers through the use of PPE, equipment disinfection, vaccinations, and training.


Dental Facilities 




Ebola Virus Disease 



​MEDCOM/DHA Resources 


Federal Resources 

  • Centers for Disease Control and PreventionExternal Link​ – ​Provides information and tools to protect the health and prevent disease and injury of people and communities. 
  • U.S. EPAExternal Link​ – ​Provides information on history of regulating medical waste, first at the federal level and now by each state. Includes discussion of treatment and disposal methods for medical waste. 
  • Occupational Safety and Health AdministrationExternal Link​ – ​Ensures safe and healthful working conditions for workers by setting and enforcing standards such as the Bloodborne Pathogens Standard under 29 CFR 1910.1030.


Other Resource 

  • World Health OrganizationExternal Link​ – ​​Provides information, guidance and tools for use especially during global health emergencies/outbreaks.​