
 Range Assessments

Last Updated: July 26, 2018

PHC has a great deal of expertise and experience in assessing environmental conditions and the potential human and ecological health risk implications from both active and closed range training areas. APHC first discovered the RDX in groundwater at Massachusetts Military Reservation (MMR) and we have been involved in various aspects of range assessment since 1999. APHC assists the Army Environmental Command with technical oversight of the Army's Operational Range Assessment Program. Some of our capabilities are listed below.

Please Contact Us to learn more.

Qualitative Range Assessments
  • An evaluation of the potential for range munitions residues to interact with either on-range, or off-range human and ecological receptors using existing and available data.
Quantitative Range Assessments
  • A focused investigation that includes sampling of one or more media such as groundwater, surface water, biota, soil, or air to ascertain a health risk concern in that media.
  • Investigations of large impact areas at major installations using a flexible work schedule to accommodate heavy training schedules are possible.
Review and Consultation
  • Independent review and comment regarding the technical validity of range assessments conducted by regulators, other agencies, or contractors.
Systematic Planning to Provide Defensible and Cost Effective Results
  • Our investigations employ a rigorous systematic planning/investigation strategy based on the EPA Data Quality Objective, seven step systematic planning process.
  • This planning process includes a detailed conceptual site model that leads to data gap identification and the appropriate study questions.
  • Our systematic planning enables the development of a cost effective and defensible scientific strategy to collect the necessary data to answer those questions.
  • Our broad base of technical expertise and experience working with military customers provide an advantage developing cost effective, defensible, range investigation strategies.