Collection Kits


Last Updated: October 31, 2024

​​MilTICK is a free tick testing and identification service available for ticks removed from Department of Defense (DoD) personnel​ and their dependents.  Formerly known as the DoD Human Tick Test Kit Program, this service is provided by the Laboratory Sciences Directorate at the Defense Centers for Public Health - Aberdeen in​​​ Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD.

Any tick found biting an eligible person can be submitted to MilTICK by health care providers through tick kits available at DoD health care facilities, or by individuals through a simple mail-in process.  Ticks will be identified to species, assessed for how long they have been attached, and tested for human pathogens.  The results will be reported back to the point of contact provided on the MilTICK form, and will be used to assess the risk of tick-borne disease to Military personnel (visit our data dashboard to learn more!)

For additional information, or to request tick kits or services, contact the Tick-borne Disease Laboratory:
by phone:  (410) 436-5421 or (410) 436-5425
by email:​
or online: Link​ (CAC required)


​​MilTICK SURE Path​

New! MilTICK samples are now being screened for rare pathogens. Learn more about the MilTICK ​SURE Path program.​​​

Testing available for the agents of:

​I found a tick! Am I eligible?

Individuals located in the United States (CONUS) in the following categories are eligible to submit ticks to MilTICK:

  • Active Duty Service Members
  • National guard personnel
  • Reservists in all Services
  • Civilian personnel working for the DoD or any of the Services (including Army Corps of Engineers)
  • Contractors supporting the DoD or any of the Services
  • Retired Service Members
  • Dependents, including spouses, parents, or children of all above categories


Forms, Technical Guide, and Fact Sheets

**NEW** MilTICK 2024​ D​​igital Tick Kit.  One click, everything you need to submit your tick to MilTICK today.

**NEW** MilTICK 2024 Digital Tick Kit Español​. Todo lo que necesita para enviar su garrapata a MilTICK hoy.​

DCPH-A MilTICK Technical Guide No. 384.  Describes all aspects of the MilTICK program in detail, including information on ticks, tick-borne diseases, and resources for deployed personnel.

MilTICK (DoD Human Tick Test Kit Program) Fact Sheet.  This is a concise, two-page fact sheet that describes the program, provides contact information, and answers frequently asked questions, including tick-removal guidelines.

Protect Yourself From Tick-Borne Diseases Fact Sheet.  This two-page document describes common tick species and the pathogens associated with them, as well as recommendations on tick-bite prevention.

Tick Control Around the Home.  This two-page document describes the basic biology of ticks, and techniques to control tick populations and prevent tick bites at home.

Tick Kit Instructions.  This is a one-page instruction sheet that contains information on how to package and mail tick specimens.

Submission of Tick Specimens from Human Tick-Bite Patients.  This is a  two-sided tick submission form that must have the front page filled out, and be included with every tick submitted.

USDA Permit.  This is a two-sided permit from the USDA that must be included with every tick mailed.


Posters for Tick Prevention