2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)

 APHC COVID-19 Surveillance Dashboard

Last Updated: October 06, 2021
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Charts and tablet visualization

​US Army MEDCOM COVID-19 COP and Data Visualizations Overview

https://carepoint.health.mil/sites/CDSP/PostureAssessments_APHC/Pages/DATA-VISUALIZATIONS.aspxExternal Link(CAC required)

The APHC COVID-19 Surveillance Dashboard contains the U.S. Army Medical Command (MEDCOM) COVID-19 Common Operating Picture (COP) and various other data visualizations designed to help leaders visualize, track, and analyze the current health, readiness, and possible burden that Army Medical Treatment Facilities (MTFs) are experiencing in the COVID-19 environment. The Dashboard is accessed through the Defense Health Agency CarePoint platform and is currently maintained by the Army Public Health Center and MEDCOM Program Analysis and Evaluation.

Elements of the Dashboard include:

1.  COVID-19 COP:  Welcome Page for the main MEDCOM COVID-19 COP. Tabs across the top of the dashboard, as well as hyperlinks with tooltips on the page, will direct users to the various pages within the COP.


2.  COVID-19 MTF Overview:  A broad overview of each MTF and the following metrics: Bed Status (including Active Duty COVID bed occupancy), Ventilator Status, Lab Status, Staffing Status (Detailed Staffing Table available: PERSTAT), Pharmacy Status. From here, users can take note of which sites may need more attention and can proceed to dive deeper into the more detailed and specific pages within the dashboard.

3.  DRSi Dashboard:  The Army COVID-19 case breakdown. There are various charts, tables, and map displays available for users to analyze and conceptualize the prevalence and impact of COVID-19 on Army personnel and Army MTFs. Drop downs within the charts, maps, and tables allow users to view alternative data displays. There are various filters available on the left side of the page that allow users to view the data at regional and MTF levels. Data Source: Disease Reporting System internet (DRSi).

4.  County Case Maps:  Three county-level base maps overlaid with the locations of Army-reported COVID cases (DRSi data). Users can use these maps to assess the surrounding community burden and compare the MTF cases against county-level case data. The three maps look at: County Total Cases, New County Cases within last 7 days, and the Weekly Change in New Cases. Data Source: USAFacts.org, DRSi

5.  Detailed Status Dashboards: separate dashboard pages exist for all of the major metrics that MTFs and decision-makers are tracking, including:

  • Lab (non-tier):  Tracks lab testing capabilities, days of supply, and test results across the RHCs and individual MTFs. Data Source: Army Lab Report
  • OP PPE & PI PPE:  Separate pages exist for both Operational (OP) and Pandemic Influenza (PI) PPE stocks. These dashboards analyze the current on-hand (O/H) supply of PPE items at the RHC and MTF levels. Data Source: DHA MEDLOG
  • Bed Status:  Tracks the bed occupancy rates at each bedded MTF. Rates are based on staffed ICU and ICW beds. Map display and trend analysis charts are also available. Use drop-down filters to view at RHC levels. Data Source: DHA Bed Status Report

6.  MTF Scorecard:  Separate pages for each MTF, as well as an overview page showing status of all facilities. Users can choose a "Region" filter and then choose a "Facility" filter to locate the MTF of interest. The dashboard is meant to show an all-encompassing one-page overview for each facility. Data is pulled from multiple sources and includes daily MTF self-reported information. These one page overviews can be exported out as PDF files directly from the dashboard. Data on this page consists of:

  • MTF Bed Occupancy (DHA Bed Status)
  • MTF Staffing Status (DHA Bed Status)
  • Lab Testing Capacity and Equipment Inventories (Army Lab Report)
  • Epi graphs of COVID cases reported to MTF (DRSi)
  • Data on caseload for surrounding community (USAFacts.org)
  • Data on bed and ventilator status for surrounding community (HHS county hospital data)
  • Daily MTF self-reported "Comments Section" and subjective analysis on overall Risks and Gating Criteria status
  • HPCON Status

7. Lab Tier Visuals:  There are 4 dashboards included in this workbook to track lab testing numbers, projections, and capacity by Tiers.

8.  Other pages and visualizations included consist of Active Duty Cases, Dental Visuals, and Return to Readiness

MEDCOM COVID-19 Data Visualizations - Access Instructions

*For best results use Google Chrome. Internet Explorer may cause display issues.

To access, you must have or create a CarePoint account using your Email CACCertificate at: https://carepoint.health.mil/SitePages/LandingPage.aspxExternal Link

From there, you will be able to navigate to the COVID-19 Data Visualizations Page.

*If you already have a CarePoint account, then you can proceed directly to the MEDCOMCOVID-19 Data Visualizations link below and choose your Email CACCertificate when prompted.

COVID-19 Army Data Visualizations Link:https://carepoint.health.mil/sites/CDSP/PostureAssessments_APHC/Pages/DATA-VISUALIZATIONS.aspxExternal Link

Troubleshooting: ***If these links give you an error message about not being able to access the Tableau Server, you will need to put in a GSC Ticket  ***

Once you have been granted access, bookmark this main page and use this as your launching point for exploring all of the MEDCOM data visualizations.


For further questions or comments, email: usarmy.apg.medcom-aphc.list.covid-19-dashboard-team@mail.mil

Army COVID-19 Model f​or Epidemics (ACME) ToolExternal Link

The ACME ToolExternal Link uses the number of current hospitalizations to project capacity needs at each military treatment facility (MTF). The model takes into consideration number of people who can be infected by a person with COVID-19 over the span of the epidemic. Leaders can use ACME as a platform to experiment with adjusting control strategies and evaluate changes in the projected MTF resource needs.